Loose Mixes

Sheep Lick Range

The Dickson Ag Sheep Lick Range is designed for sheep that are grazing pastures that have begun to dry off.
This mix is high in bypass protein meals and is offered in different levels of urea.

Sorghum Grazing Loosemix

The Dickson Ag Sorghum Grazing Loosemix is designed specifically for cattle that are grazing sorghum crops and stubbles.
By supplementing with our sorghum Grazing Loosemix, you will ensure that your cattle are receiving their mineral requirements and achieving higher production rates whilst grazing Sorghum Pastures.

Stock Shield Loosemix

Dickson Ag Stock Shield loosemix has been specifically designed with Bentonite and Elitox to prevent livestock poisoning from toxic weeds such as Pimelea and Lantana.
This product is currently available for purchase in 25kg Bags.
For Bulk enquiries, please contact us on (07) 3737 7653.

Stubble Grazing Loosemix Range

The Dickson Ag Stubble Grazing Loosemix is designed for livestock that are grazing cereal stubbles.

Tablelands Loosemix Range

The Dickson Ag, Tablelands Loosemix range, has been designed for Cattle and Sheep that are grazing Dry Feed.
The Tablelands mix is available in 5,10 and 15% Urea, to suit all your feeding requirements.

Warrego Loosemix Range

The Dickson Ag, Warrego loosemix range has been designed in both 10 and 15% Urea levels to ensure that there is a product to suit your operation.
This Loosemix is a great mix to feed from weaning age right through to mature breeding age.